
Reference : Where to grind Hide?

As a tailor, main concern is to gather hide and extra ingredients if necessary, and raise guild reputation whenever it's possible.

A time consuming job it is, but if we learn to find right animals, and right place to hunt them, then time cost would reduce dramatically.

Thus, I've written down several location for hide grinding. All information are derived from other website such as LOTRO community(http://my.lotro.com) and mmorsel(http://lotro.mmorsel.com). The reason I've posting this is solely for my reference.

Scenery : Painting of Dol Guldur

Painting of the Dark Lord and the Nazgul
 Venturing through Dol Guldur wasn't vesy difficult task. Since I wasn't running proper 12-men instance, but an Epic quest instance which is relatively easy. Although foes were still tough and took some amount of time to clear each section.
 While wandering through the fort, I saw an interesting painting of the master of Dol Guldur. You can see it above.

Sad Doldur, Evil Fortness at Ashenglade. Dol Guldur looking behind
Good thing about Mirkwood, specially near Dol Guldur, is there are awesome castles to see. It feels like grim version of Evendim, too!

End of Epic Volume 2!

Farewell to Moria dwarves, It's been fun to fight with you!
Yesterday, I've finally finished Epic : Volume 2, Mines of Moria. It started with dwarven storyline, and ends with dwarves and elves joined as an alliance against the Enemy. Still doing Volume 2 Epilogue, but rather than trying to finish it, I'll ride onto Dunland now. Think I've seen enough of Mirkwood's grim.

Now to Isengard and to Rohan!


Scenery : Dol Guldur

Fortress of Dol Guldur

Dol Guldur, or Hill of Dark Sorcery, was Sauron's personal fortress and base of operations when he worked his sorcery in the wood under the name of The Necromancer. It was located in the south of Mirkwood for over twelve-hundred years of the Third Age.


Scenery : Mirkwood

Overlooking view at Haunted Inn

Ost Galadh, Fortress of Trees

Half-way through Mirkwood, though gloom and dark atmosphere is constantly surrounding player, few spots still hides its beauty.

Will be posting more about Mirkwood soon!

Scenery : Rivendell

To new adventure!
Everytime I come to Rivendell, I find myself standing in the middle of it, and watching surrounding atmosphere in awe. Lorien is beautiful place for sure, but when it comes to comparison, Rivendell was always my favorite.

The name 'Last Homely House' is certainly well-named since the place makes me feel comfortable, secure and refreshing.

If you've time to spare, why don't you visit Imladris?

Onto Mirkwood

Map of Mirkwood

 Currently venturing Mirkwood, doing Epic and quests. Mirkwood's quest level scales from 60 to 65 or higher, but since I'm 66 now, almost every quests are blue or light blue, which makes me easy to accomplish.
 Going to Dunland would make me level faster, but I want to raise my standing amost Elves up to Kindred, so I might stay here for a little while.

Caras Galadhon, the heart of Elvendom on Earth

Being Kindred with Galadhrim elves needs some quests grinding, currently I'm at ally standing and it'll take a while until I get what I want.

Hopefully I can get to Dunland - or Enedwaith if Epic takes me there - around next week.
I'll post some scenery pics of Mirkwood in the next post.

Have a good day!


Tim Burton!!

Went to see Tim Burton exhibition with my wife. As a huge fan of Tim Burton's work, I was quite excited.
Had fun watching Tim's early and recent works, and costumes used in his movies!


Reference : Lore-master virtues grind list

The infamous virtue UI. Grind 'till you're done!

This won't happen until I hit lvl80 or higher, but I'll need information regarding lore-master related virtue traits and grinding spots. If you're lore-master and needs some grinding to do, hope this post is useful. All information was originally posted on http://docholidaymmo.com

1. Lore-master related traits and virtues list

 2. Grind plan for each virtues

1) Innocence


5) Wisdom

6) Valour

7) Zeal

Snowing, again?!

Woke up in the morning and went outside to go to work, and found myself in the middle of snow field just as I would be in Forochel or in Misty mountain.

Last time slippery road made me knocked over, so today I will be more cautious.

Have a great day, to all business men and others whom are still in their bed!


Scenery : Imlad Lalaith

Elves are ready for the party!!

Imlad Lalaith, the Valley of Laughter, is where most of Lothlórien's feasts take place.


Lvl 60 in 4 years

According to my registration date, I've been playing LOTRO for 4 years.

Yet, I've never reached level 60 and beyond, and never saw outside of Moria.

After 4 years, I was finally there!

Meet Jungju!

Hail friends, meet Jungju!

Jungju is my toon in LOTRO.

It's my only character that I've created so far, and I don't think I'd make an alt in the future.

I play in Silverlode, as a Lore-master and currently exploring Lorien woods(and it's awesome!)

The name Jungju, came from my wife.(yes, I'm married :)) It's unlikely to use real life name, but by doing so, I feel more attached to the character, which is quite nice.

If you see me passing by, please say hi :)


Hi, all

I'm Max.

I've been thinking about runung a blog about something I'm interested for some time, and it's finally here! I'll be writing about casual goings of my life, specially focused on LOTRO(Lord of the Rings Online).

Game blogging is a popular subject these days, and I believe people who'd visit my blog will find nothing new or creative, but don't worry! I have just begun, and a lot of fun stuffs will be posted here! So keep watching!

It's a daily or weekly posting about my game life, and real life. If you find it interesting, please stop by and wander some. Visitors are always welcome (Not spammers, of course :))

Have a great day!